This section is our most frequently asked questions.
1. How to send an inquiry?
Step 1: Send us a message about customized orders details by clicking the " inquiry form " bottom of the page, or via the "Contact" Form, or email us directly at [email protected]
Step 2: Offer Sheet will be sent to you within 24 hours of receiving your message.
Step 3: The invoice will be sent to you after Offer Sheet is confirmed.
Step 4: Make the payment.
Step 5: Processing your order and delivery on time.
2. Is there a minimum order quantity?
No there isn't any minimum order quantity needed. You can buy one bundle, a hundred bundles, or more. The more you buy, the more discounts you get.
3. Where is the product shipped from? What is the cost of shipping?
All our products are shipped from the united state. We ship orders using FedEx, UPS, or USPS to the United States and other couriers DHL for international shipping according to the area. We do offer expedited shipping at the cost of customers' expense and estimated delivery costs/time vary depending on which kind of service is chosen, the weight of the package, and the delivery destination.
4. How to pay for my order?
Once you have confirmed the price, you can pay for your order by any major credit or debit card holder, Paypal. Once the payment is completed, we will inform you via email with the receipt and detailed shipping information.
5. I noticed that some of the bundles have a slightly lighter hair color than other bundles I have ordered previously. I also discovered a few grey hairs present, is this normal?
Absolutely. This is perfectly normal. Please understand that the hair is untreated hair. It comes from various donors. Some donors are older than others and vice versa. Each donor will have a different hair curl pattern and hair color ranging anywhere from an off-black to a natural brown color, and yes, even a few gray strands here or there. At no time will virgin hair bundles ever look the same because all hair is not donated by the same person. What is always consistent is the raw and natural quality of the hair. The gorgeous texture and gentle blend that it has with your own natural hair.